Web Design & Development

I have been working with designers and developers to build websites for over 15 years. I have managed the build on over 10 websites, and maintained and improved many others across a variety of companies and products. I have in-depth knowledge of UX, and have driven strategy to improve landing page functionality and SEO, as well as clear actionable analytic reporting.

I have worn all of hats - working with consultant agencies and in-house developers/designers. I’ve written web content myself, and managed web managers and content creators, drawing a strong team of talented professionals together to maximize our online presence with strong audience engagement.

HEVEA Amazon Design & Project Overview

Rebuilding the HEVEA Amazon Sites

Amazon offers HEVEA a global market to tab into, and in 2024, my team and I audited the current product offerings across global stores and worked country-by-country to fill out our inventory and rebuild the listings and their A+ content for over 200 product listings starting in the US, and then moving on to the UK, France, Germany, and Canada. In March 2024, we are launching new Brand Stores in each region with new UX, brand design, and content - the US has been the first to launch.

DIS Website Design & Project Overview

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Building the DIS Website Network

Working with the web design company Peytz & Co, we launched a series of Wordpress websites across our audiences that could all work within a similar template and brand. I managed the start of the project, bringing on a Web Manager early on the in project to manage the technical side of the build, while I worked with the team on project management and building of the content.

Our first and largest site, DISabroad.org, was the most dynamic of the templates – built in Wordpress for the primary target audience at DIS – students, their parents, and university advisors in the U.S. This site is draws together four backend sites (global, Copenhagen, Stockholm, and summer) and has a large amount of built-in intelligence networking the Program, Core Course, and Study Tour pages together dynamically, as well as to syllabi and faculty bios. It is built with not only the front-end user in mind, but the backend user as well – as our academic teams have administration rights in order to keep our syllabi and faculty bios updated on a regular basis.

Once our main website had been launched, we had Peytz & Co prepare a template for us to utilize for our additional websites in Denmark and Sweden for local audiences that utilized our brand, layout style, and navigational structure; but allowed us to build a new website unique to each audience in the local language.

CIEE Teach Abroad Website & Project Overview

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CIEE Teach Abroad Website

While this site is over a decade old at this time, it was one of my favorite branding project examples from my time at CIEE. The CIEE Teach Abroad Programs target an audience of adventurous college graduates that seek to work abroad teaching English. I worked with the program owner, in-house Web Designer, and an outside design company to fully rebrand and rebuild the content for the Teach Abroad Program in 2010/11, launching a new website and catalog design.

Both web and print were designed to flow between the various Teach Abroad programs with easy-to-read information that allowed for quick comparisons between location placement options, as well as inspiring blog posts for each location showcasing what they have been ‘TAUGHT’ in the act of teaching others. The website was very innovative for its time with several interactive pages allowing users to search via a world map as well as Teach job filters such as payscale, housing inclusions, and other benefits.

I acted as project manager and wrote all content as well as worked with the designers on UX, creative vison and developed all content.

The website won second place in the 2011 Broderson Awards.

Full List of Websites I’ve Worked With

Brands I’ve Overseen the Website Strategy for:

  • Amazon Brand pages, HEVEA (rebranded & rebuilt, Amazon Seller Central)

  • Study Abroad Main Site, DIS (rebranded & rebuilt, Wordpress)

  • Danish Local Host Site, DIS (rebranded & rebuilt, Wordpress)

  • Swedish Host Recruitment Site, DIS (new build & brand, Wordpress)

  • Danish Kollegium Recruitment Site, DIS (new build, oversaw UX strategy, Wordpress)

  • Teach Abroad Site, CIEE (rebranded & rebuilt, WordPress and ASP.NET Web Applications) - Won Silver Medal in Web Design, Broderson Awards, 2011

  • International Faculty Development Seminars (IFDS) Site, CIEE (rebranded & rebuilt, WordPress and ASP.NET Web Applications)

  • USA High School Site, CIEE (rebranded & rebuilt, WordPress and ASP.NET Web Applications)

  • USA High School Local Coordinator Intranet, CIEE (rebranded & rebuilt, WordPress and ASP.NET Web Applications)

  • High School & Gap Year Abroad Site, CIEE (rebranded & rebuilt, WordPress and ASP.NET Web Applications)

  • Grant Programs Sites, CIEE (branded & new build, WordPress and ASP.NET Web Applications)

  • Maine Academy of Music (MAMM) Site, Maine Non-Profit Org (rebranded & new built, Drupal)

Websites I’ve Maintained or Worked with on Planning:

  • HEVEA B2C Webshop

  • HEVEA B2B Webshop (site is not publicly accessible) (maintained, Traede)

  • iNext Travel Insurance Site, (maintained & worked on improvement projects, WordPress and ASP.NET Web Applications)

  • Intern & Trainee Site & Online Interactive Job Finding Module, CIEE (maintained and launched training module, WordPress and ASP.NET Web Applications)

  • Work & Travel Site & Online Interactive Job Finding Module, CIEE (maintained and launched training module, WordPress and ASP.NET Web Applications)

  • Local New Zealand Study Center Site, IFSA-Butler (rebranded & rebuilt, WordPress)

*While many of the websites I have worked on over the years have since been relaunched over the years since, I’ve included links to websites where my involvement is still applicable to the current live site.


Communication Planning & Projects


Content Writing