Project Management & Communication Planning

Below you’ll find some highlights from two large scale digital projects undertaken strategically as part of centralizing communication and resources for students studying abroad with DIS in Copenhagen and Stockholm - a new app and a rebooted blog…

The DIS App


Inside the App Project

The DIS Navigate app was launched as part of the the communication centralization project I directed at DIS. It’s goal was to give students studying abroad for a semester or summer an individualized communication flow and access to targeted resource materials, as well as an online venue for community building based on each student’s location, housing, etc.

The app build project spanned over a year in partnership with my department and stakeholders across the organization.

See below for screenshots from within the app, and watch this instructional video for a tour of the app. Additionally, be sure to keep scrolling below for thrilling outcomes from the Fall 2021 semester!

Thrilling Outcomes!

Insights from Fall semester 2021

100% adoption rate and high usage rate by students at the beginning of the term

• Throughout the semester, there were almost 10,000 app opens and more than 1,000 users per week during normal weeks

• DIS stakeholder feedback was that they saw high value in using the new app in order to meet students where they are at in a centralized space

The DIS Blog - Networking Out Content

Engaging Streamlined Content

As part of our communication centralization audit, we asked students what information they needed to empower them towards a successful study abroad experience…and top requests were information on affordable local lifestyle tips, how to get around their new home city, targeted dietary need tips, etc.

Our goal was to rebuild the resource content at DIS across our various platforms in the most efficient yet engaging way possible. And a key location became the DIS Blog where posts could supplement website content in a strategic way, as well as be linked to from the app based on each student’s unique resource needs triggered at key times throughout the semester/summer.


Strategic Marketing Campaigns


Web Design & Development